PPP Advisory by K-infra
PPP Policy
Policy advisory & PPP process management (public partner)
- Structure and improvement of legal frames
- Operational frameworks / PPP cycle management guides
- Fiscal management of PPPs
- Institutional frameworks: organization of roles and responsibilities, development of PPP units.
- Elaboration of guides and procedures for selection, appraisal, structuring and tendering of projects.
- Contract management strategy settlement and Contract Management Guides and Manuals.
- Design and implementation of financial support mechanisms and policies.
Developing the framework for subnational PPPs in Ecuador: Development of the PPP unit located in BDE and main Manual and Guidelines to manage the subnational PPP project cycle
Definition of the Fiscal Impact Management Framework of Paraguay and contingent liabilities (direct contract with our CEO)
Advice to the government of Turkey and the World Bank on the development of guides and manuals for the management of the cycle of PPP national projects including: PPP project preparation Guide; PPP structuring and tendering guide; PPP contract management guide
Design and implementation of of the Strategic Fund of Infrastructures of Spain government (FondICO Infraestructuras managed by AXIS/ICO) (personal experience of our CEO)
Review and update of the risk management guidelines for the government of Colombia (DNP)
Review and update of the VFM guidelines for the government of Colombia (DNP)